Beverly Spight Named Ferguson-Florissant Teacher of the Year

Beverly Spight, business education teacher at McCluer High School, has been named the 2010 Teacher of the Year for the Ferguson-Florissant School District.

Spight is a 17-year district veteran whose focus on creating long-lasting relationships motivates students to work hard and aim high.

In addition to classroom instruction, she oversees a broad range of student activities and organizations, including student government, homecoming, prom and graduation.

“You get from students the same things you give,” Spight said. “If you give them love and respect, they are going to give it back.”

Spight is so popular, said McCluer Principal Nicole Whitesell, that “students check schedules to ensure they can be in her classes. And because of her relationship with them, they work harder.”

Supt. Jeffrey Spiegel said Spight “embodies the culture of student achievement at Ferguson-Florissant.”

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