Florissant, Hazelwood Police Join Statewide ‘Operation Safe Teen’ Seat Bent Enforcement

Eight of ten teenagers killed in traffic accidents are found not wearing seat belts. Compared to other age groups, teens have the lowest rate of seat belt use. Unfortunately, 40 percent of Missouri teens don’t buckle up.  Teen drivers, ages 16-19, are four times more likely than older drivers to be involved in a motor vehicle crash.

With these facts in mind, the Florissant and Hazelwood Police Departments have joined other statewide law enforcement agencies in “Operation Safe Teen” seat belt campaign through March 31.

“Every day someone dies in a crash in Missouri because they weren’t buckled up,” said Florissant Police Chief William Karabas. “We’ll be out there to remind you seat belts can, and do, save lives. Regular safety belt use is the single most effective way to protect people and reduce fatalities in motor vehicle crashes.”

“Many young drivers have the attitude that ‘it will never happen to me’ and neglect to put on their seat belts,” said Hazelwood Police Chief Carl Wolf.  “But what they don’t realize is that fatal crashes happen every day to all types of people. One in four Missouri traffic crashes involves a young driver.  We’ll be out there to remind them that seat belts can – and do – save lives.”

Hazelwood police officers will be patrolling areas around Hazelwood West High School and other known hangouts for teens to enforce the seat belt laws.  They will also be checking elementary and middle schools to ensure that parents are buckling up younger children and using car restraint seats as required. In addition, police officers may conduct a driver’s license checkpoint in an area around the high school to ensure compliance with appropriate laws.

“We’ll also be on the lookout for teens using cell phones or sending text messages while driving.  These activities are major distractions and it’s now against the law for drivers age 21 and under to text and drive. We want all our local youth to buckle up and arrive alive,” noted Wolf.

For information on Missouri seat belt usage, visit www.MOlives.com.

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