Time for the Atonement Middle School Dance!

Middle school dances are sponsored by the Senior Youth League of Atonement Lutheran Church. The goal is to provide and promote a safe environment for youth. Parents are welcome to our dances at any time. If you have questions, please feel free to contact Matt at mbrickler@maryville.edu. The church is located at 1285 New Florissant Rd, N; at the intersection of New Florissant and Parker roads. The church office phone # is: 314/837-1224.

1st Friday of each month:

All tickets are $10. Coat or purse check is $1. Refreshments are available at reasonable prices. Tickets are sold at the door. We reserve the right to refuse admittance to anyone. The dance is held in Kretzmann Hall (the gym) and the doors are monitored.
Dance Time

7:00 to 10:00 pm. Please pick up your child(ren) promptly at 10:00 pm, because our youth stay to clean up and they need to follow Florissant’s curfew at 11:00 pm. Please do not drop your child(ren) off before 6:45 pm.
Behavior Code

We strive to provide a safe environment. Students are not permitted to leave early unless a parent or guardian comes inside to collect them. We have 30 adult security and 2 off-duty police officers present. There is no smoking, drinking, drugs, profanity or fighting allowed. Youth that violate the behavior code will be asked to leave.

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