Ferguson-Florissant Wins State Environmental Award

The Missouri Department of Conservation will honor the Ferguson-Florissant School District with its 2010 Missouri Arbor Award of Excellence in the organization category.

The district is being recognized for work at its Little Creek Nature Area, a unique outdoor classroom that offers students hands-on science education.

The award goes to an outstanding community forestry project that uses sound tree management principles, innovation and a sustained effort.

“Every year we plant hundreds of trees on our property. With the emphasis on climate change, our ability to sustain that effort makes a difference, especially in an urban environment,” said Jack Bowles, Little Creek teacher-in-charge.

The district was nominated by Forest ReLeaf, an organization that inspires volunteer efforts to plant and care for trees, especially in cities.

“The award was a wonderful surprise because we did not know Little Creek had been nominated,” Bowles said. “Our work is possible through the support of the Ferguson-Florissant School District, community volunteers, students, corporate donors and environmental organizations. It’s a true partnership.”

The district will receive its award at a Missouri Department of Conservation event in March.

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