NBC Doing Great Job to Keep Olympics Interesting With the Personal Stories

By Randy Gardner

Are you like me and  can’t take your eyes off of the Olympics? At first, I dint know how involved I would be but I find myself glued to the TV watching everything from skiing to ice dancing.  Honestly, I give NBC a lot of credit in developing stories and intros that create the aura that makes you want to watch. You become vested in the game, story, or person.

You know that I always root for the underdog and I think that is why there are so many glamorous stories that surround the Olympic Games. It is amazing to hear how many athletes retire and then come back out for the games and do well, I attribute this to becoming more mature. This causes them to focus more and inherently do better, many times winning a medal when they did not before.

The opening ceremonies were really cool, they always are, it had to bring a tear to your eyes to see the world come together as one just for awhile. I am really looking forward to the hockey games though, this will be a strong Olympic event as there are top NHL players on every country’s  team. The U.S. has a great shot of picking up a medal here but as Wayne Gretsky said Tuesday on NBC, almost every country in hockey has a shot at a medal.

The talent is that evenly spread out across the world. Looking back at the 1980 Olympic games, who can forget the U.S. Hockey team winning it all. I remember to this day, exactly where I was when the game unfolded.  I can relive it in my mind, and that was 30 years ago and I was only  11. This puts things in perspective as how sports can define a country and its moments in history. There are only a few things in life where we can actually remember where we were when it happened. How cool would it be to have our children be able to live one of those moments right now.

Pitchers & Catchers Report! Spring Almost Here

The other big news is that the Cardinals are heading to Spring Training, this means that summer is just around the corner even though we are piled in with snow right now, it at least gives us a glimpse of nice weather to come.

Last week, I had a chance to talk with Jack Clark, former Cardinal, and he mentioned that this team is built to win, there are a lot of expectations around this team this year. Tony LaRussa, usually likes when he is the underdog, it seems like this is when they do the best. We will see though, it is a long season, and injuries occur often. All in all, just as long as we can sit on the porch and watch a little baseball in the Spring and Summer, or if you are lucky enough to experience the games in person. This is what America’s great past time is all about. Let’s go Cards.

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