Florissant to Receive Community Development Grants

Mayor Robert G. Lowery, Sr. announced that Florissant has been notified that the city will be receiving Community Development grants from the federal government for assisting homeowners to make needed repairs to their homes.

The funding will be $5,000 for each approved applicant (approximately 30). They will also be receiving a grant for down payments for first-time home buyers of $3,500 for each approved applicant (approximately 15).

Community Development is not taking applications yet, but notices will be published when funds have been received. Anyone interested and meets the eligibility requirements may apply.

Florissant will also be applying to the Missouri Department of Natural Resources for a grant that will provide more energy efficiency to homeowners by replacing heating and cooling units and windows.

The administration became aware of another grant that would upgrade the housing stock in Florissant. He has asked that a grant application be submitted as soon as possible in order to keep the city moving in the right direction.

The audit of city buildings has been completed regarding energy consumption and a final report should be received by January 15, 2010. The Mayor said, “The preliminary findings indicate that most of the work needed will deal with the mechanical equipment. I have asked Scott Smith, City Engineer, to apply for grants through the Stimulus Package so that taxpayer dollars will not have to be used. We are a City of 54,000 people and we should all do whatever we can to reduce pollution in the air and in our water streams.”

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