The Dining Divas Celebrate the Season at Home


The Dining Divas claim to be festive all year long as we excitedly discover new and different restaurants. This holiday season, we kept the festivities home. Instead of venturing out to a restaurant new to us, we ventured out to a few Diva homes for a progressive dinner party. The Divas would all agree. Restaurants couldn’t compete.

Our holiday gathering mimicked several Christmas classics. No, this wasn’t a Griswold-esque party, surrounded by several dysfunctional family members. We were surrounded by Love, Actually. Our first stop included cocktails and appetizers at the Engaged Diva’s home. We all were excited to take a peak at the Bride-To-Be’s gown-to-be and to talk about the nuptials and plans for the wedding next fall.

The New Mommy Diva stressed about the new Daddy who was Home Alone with the new baby. It twas the night before the baby’s baptism, and there were going to be all sorts of people all through her house.

Over buffalo chicken dip, queso dip, martinis, and punch, we chatted and laughed as usual. A surprise visitor and Diva sibling so fondly called The Grinch stopped by on a service call to assess a “satellite” problem the Engaged Diva was having. And much to the Divas’ surprise, many did not recognize her. She spent most of her year skipping things like buffalo chicken dip, queso dip, martinis, and punch. Not us.

The next stop on our holiday quest was to the other Grandma Diva’s place. We were to have dinner at her home, but instead we had a feast. The warmth and cheer from her festively decorated place made us all not only want to enjoy a meal but also made us want to stay put and not leave. Along with wine, we had salad, rolls, vegetables, chicken parmesan, and a fabulous pot roast we could only dream to recreate. Plus, her dining room table was elegantly set and surrounded by an incredible centerpiece. She humbly admitted she created it herself from bushes and flowers in her yard. Yes, Virginia, there really is a June Cleaver.

After dinner, as most of us cleared the table and cleaned the dishes, the other Grandma Diva entertained us on the piano. Entertaining it definitely was! It sounded like she’d been drinking too much eggnog, and the best comment came from out hostess. She said her piano playing reminded her of when her kids were young and taking lessons. She thought she was long past that. Maybe lessons will be a group gift from the Divas next year for our entertainer. And maybe then we’ll join in and become nine ladies dancing.

With dishes dried and the house back in order, the Polar Express headed on down the road to the next Diva household. In our “past” lives, this Diva group may have done a few Diva pranks along the way. Trust me. We’re No Angels. But this was a “school” night, and we ran out of “safe” pranks years ago.

So we just dashed away for desserts. We had good intentions but our bellies had inflated to the size of jolly old St. Nick’s. So we focused on more fun rather than more food. The Sundae Bar would have to wait for later.

In a very un-Scrooge­-like manner, we gathered toys for the Toys for Tots campaign as we do every year. Then we moved onto another much anticipated Diva tradition…rob your neighbor. Nothing says Christmas more than a group of women fighting like The Christmas Story bullies poor Ralphie had to face.

As we’ve learned again and again, the best wrapped gifts don’t always make the best gifts. And you can always count on at least one Diva to bring a “nice” gift. It was great to see the least crafty Diva get the spools of thread and the Weight Watcher Diva get the pig cookie jar.

After robbing and overindulging, the sentimental side shone through. on behalf of the Dining Divas, the Counselor Diva sponsored a student next semester. His tuition has been paid. So yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. But she’s just not very good on the piano.

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