Hazelwood West Middle School Student Scores 24 on ACT Test

Lindsay Durand believes 24 is a good number. The Hazelwood West Middle School eighth grade student received a 24 as her overall score on the ACT examination she took in October. Most students do not take the ACT test until they are in high school.

“I think I did well; it impressed me,” Durand said.

She scored a 24 in math and English, a 25 in science and a 22 in reading. Reading was the only section for which

Durand did not complete a practice test.

Durand took the ACT as part of the Duke University Talent Identification Program (TIP). Duke University TIP identifies, recognizes and supports high-ability students. It is through the seventh grade talent search portion of TIP that qualified middle school students are allowed to take college entrance examinations (ACT or SAT) alongside high school students.

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