“Kimberly Akimbo” Seizes the Day in a Comical Way by...
Read MoreSTAGES new production runs through Aug. 22
In the Heights is a Place Called ‘Home’
by Pat Lindsey

In the shadow of Manhattan’s George Washington Bridge is a Hispanic community that embraces the daily struggles of living in a place they call “home.” Fighting with guns and knives does not exist. The immigrants and their American-born children live and work to support one another and celebrate the life they have created for themselves in The Heights.
With music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, audiences can expect a high-energy, intensely emotional story with most of the dialogue delivered in rhyming rap. This will appeal to younger audiences more than older ones. But the songs and explosive dancing to the Latin beat becomes the universal language that draws everyone into the story. It all comes together in a pulsating musical that won the 2008 Tony Award for Best Musical.
The story begins as any ordinary day in The Heights. Usnavi (Ryan Alvarado), the main character, is opening his bodega and making coffee for the hard-working residents who are on their way to their own jobs. Usnavi is in love with Vanessa (Amanda Robles), who works in the nearby beauty salon. Both of them have dreams of having bigger and better businesses somewhere else.
The plot thickens with Nina and Benny, the other central couple. Nina (Isabel Leoni) has just dropped out of Stanford University and is becoming romantically involved with Benny (Jahir Lawrence Hipps), who works as a dispatcher at her father’s cab company. As we follow the love stories of these two couples, we also learn about the struggles of other community members and the winner of a $96,000 lottery ticket. It all unfolds during a heatwave around the 4th of July.
Director & Choreographer Luis Salgado has triumphed in celebrating his home, Puerto Rico, and sharing his idea of what it means to be at home. This is made possible with a talented and diverse cast that can belt out the songs and fill the stage with flashy dance numbers. Each cast member, as well as the entire company, gets an opportunity to shine.
Nina (Leoni) introduces us to her outstanding vocals in “Breathe” and teams up with Benny (Hipps) in a stirring duets of “Sunrise” and “When You’re Home.” Camila (Tauren Hagans) nearly brought the house down with “Enough.” Daniela (Ariana Valdes) gives a powerful vocal performance with “No Me Diga” and “Carnaval del Barrio.” Usnavi (Alvarado) and Vanessa (Robles) celebrate their romance with “Champagne.” And every time the lovable neighbhorhood matriarch Abuela Claudia (Tami Dahbura) sings, the audience rewards her with enthusiastic applause.
Usnavi’s young cousin, Sonny (Luis-Pablo Garcia) is a cool dude and another audience favorite, who represents an entreprenurial spirit and the hope for a better future in The Heights. Abuela Claudia raised him and he will be one of the benefactors of her lottery winnings.
Special recognition must go to the In The Heights Orchestra for outstanding accompaniment and Anna Louizos for fantastic scenic design.
In the Heights is a feel-good musical that celebrates communal ties and turns dreams into reality. It will be presented by STAGES St. Louis at the Kirkwood Performing Arts Center now through Aug. 22. Tickets are available at stagesstlouis.org.