Florissant has Largest Population in County

2020 Census Shows Florissant Still
Most Populated City in STL County

Results of the 2020 US Census were released in late August and it shows that Florissant had an increase of about 400 more residents than the 2010 Census showed.
There are currently 52,533 people that reside in Florissant compared to 52,553 on the April 2010 Census report.
The population of Florissant in 1980 was 55,372. The figures for 2000 Census showed 50,206 residents
In the Fall of 2019, Mayor Tim Lowery met with members of his administration to begin preparations for the 2020 Census. The main goal was to ensure that all of our residents were counted and that Florissant retain the important status of being the largest municipality and a premier community in St. Louis County.
Mayor Lowery reported, in a newsletter, that “after almost two years of work, effort, and time invested, the population of Florissant has grown to a level not seen in the city since the mid 1980s (see graph of population growth in Florissant the last 40 years).
The mayor thanked all of those who made this achievement possible with “immense gratitude to the members of the city council, the hard-working city staff, the numerous volunteers, and all of the residents for sharing in the important responsibility of reporting our population data correctly.”
Looking forward, Mayor Lowery said, “we now have the collective opportunity to write the next chapter in our rich history here in North St. Louis County. Working jointly with all citizens of Florissant, we can see even more growth in population, investment, and development over the next decade.”