Virtual People Facing A Brave New World

Virtual People Facing A Brave New World

Lots has been studied and written about the after-effects of the last two years as it relates to the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent vaccine implementation. Much has also been discussed about another large piece of the pie… the return to normal activities.
Especially in terms of the workplace. I know many people and family members who saw their entire work life do a 180 degree turnaround. You know the story. Working from home, Zoom business meetings, everything done online, work attire of sweats and a t-shirt… if that! For those who were able to keep their livelihoods, well, “lively,” it was something that they had to adapt to. One of the most effected of these professions was that of teacher. I know from many that this was perhaps the worst year of their careers. And how much our children may have been set back in their development is still to be determined and may not be really seen for years to come.
So if you are among the Virtual People, you know exactly what I mean.
There was of course a great deal of the citizenry who could not avail themselves of this lifestyle. First responders, grocery industry employees, truckers and warehousers, and anyone who was tasked with keeping supply chains moving and toilet paper on the shelves. (Just how FREAKING crazy was that. I wonder… did anyone actually run out of TP at home? If so, please accept my condolences.) To all of them, we say a huge THANK YOU for their yeoman’s (and yeowoman’s!) performance.
And so now, the time has come to return to normal. The politicians are all about ‘getting America back’ and ‘it’s a new day, America’ and all other bile that spills from their frothing lips. (Too harsh?)
But in reality, as much as I hate to say they are right… they are right.
It’s just not going to be that easy.
There is a real anxiety out there about how safe the world really is today. We know there is a vaccine, but how effective is it over time? Will we grow third ears? People are already having some serious conditions arise allegedly from these jabs. Another anxiety is returning to a workplace that maybe wasn’t all that fun to begin with. That jerk at the next desk who was miles away sporting his boxer-briefs munching on a bag of Doritos on that Zoom call is now going to be within mere feet again.
The other jerk-ette, you know, the one who always borrowed your stapler and never returned it and was in everybody’s ‘bidness’ all day all the time… yeah, gotta be back in the same room with that sweetheart for a hard 40. And the boss, who was forever on your case, but at least was within ‘click-off’ range, is again now literally in your face about ‘get those numbers up, pal, or else turn in your badge by Friday.’
Yeah, that kind of fun stuff to look forward to.
And what about the way that The Virtual Life gave us more time with our people? More flexibility in our day, no-stress commutes from the kitchen to the basement office. Wardrobe decisions hinging on the choice between the grey sweats or the Blues shorts. Many are saying they don’t want to give up this NEW NORMAL.
Maybe you realized that, hey, this isn’t what I want to do with the rest of my life, something that would never have come up without this shape-shift virus crisis. Maybe you developed a new-found appreciation for one of my FAVORITE things in life… the nap.
Employers are having to figure this out when calling their troops back into formation. Is it an all-hands-on-deck kind of thing, or just a few hands and not so much everyday? Maybe three in-house, two virtual. Or maybe they just found out that, ya know, we really don’t need that many sales rep a-repping, clerks a-clerking, or cleaning crews a-cleaning, now that we have figured out how to drop overhead and still keep them Benjamin’s rolling in.
So there’s that.
Another side effect of all this is the fact that you can’t ride down a major thoroughfare without seeing a “NOW HIRING” sign at nearly every retail establishment. (Shoulda started a NOW HIRING sign company back in January, 2020! Right?). Not only are people not going back to the brick and mortars, they are also not wanting to take a job that pays less than what they could get staying home with unemployment and stimulus money.
Some government entities have figured this out (quick studies that they are) and ended these programs, which were needed at one time, but some say have exceeded their expiration date.