Florissant City Council Meets in person

Council Hears Plans For New

Fitness Center at Mullanphy

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council met in person for the first time in over a year at the council chambers in city hall Monday night. They heard a update from Tim Green about the last state legislative session and actions that may affect the city, held a public hearing, and passed some bills.
The public hearing was about a request to authorize a special use permit to Everthing Fitness for the operation of a fitness center greater than 2,000 square feet at 8 and 9 Mullanphy Gardens Shopping Center.
Ronald Hampp spoke to the council about the project.  “This was the old state Farm Office space,” Hampp said. He said that his center would work with two trainers who use different equipment, and so the center needs more than the 2,000 square feet already authorized. The new center would be approximately 2,700 square feet.
There will be one-on-one personal training and classes with four to five participants, Hampp said. The hours would be 6 am to 8 pm, with peak hours in the morning and late afternoon, he added.
Non spoke in opposition at the hearing and the council held a first reading on the bill that would approve it.
• Passed a bill authorizing the expansion of Clement Olympic Motors located at 1760, 1780, and 1790 N Hwy 67. This property shares a property line with the city police building, and at a previous meeting, council members had requested a privacy fence between the two. The bill passed with an amendment that requires the fence.
• Passed a bill prohibiting parking on both side of St. Denis St. between ST. Charles St. to St. Ferdinand St.
• Passed a bill prohibiting parking on St. Charles St on both sides 75 feet from the intersection of St. Denis St.
• Passed a bill prohibiting parking on the inside curve of 1600 Yearling.
All three parking changes were requested for safety issues.
•  Passed a proclamation for LGBTQ+ and Pride Month.