VOF Queen Crowning Still a Go

2021 Valley of Flowers Cancelled;
But Crowning of Queen and Her
Court Are Still Planned this Year

Stuck in the middle of one of the coldest and snowiest weeks last week in many years, thoughts of Spring activities filled the mind. But last week the biggest event that normally occurs in Florissant the first weekend of May had to be cancelled for the second year in a row because of the Covid virus.
However, the festival committee will still move forward with plans to install a festival queen and her court. Florissant high-school-aged ladies are invited to apply to become members of the queen and her court.
Those selected to the court will represent the City of Florissant, receive a scholarship for college, and get some great swag. Interested girls should fill out an application at www.florissantvalleyofflowers.com or pick one up from the festival office at 601 Rue Saint Charles St. for more information and to register.
The festival could not exist without the support of sponsors and the community. Therefore, if any girl is held back due to the lack of a sponsor, they may also contact the office at 314-837-0033 for help and ask for Kim. Likewise, if you would like to become a sponsor, forms for that are also available on the website and you may choose a sponsorship level that suits your needs.
After meeting with the Valley of Flowers organizers and the St. Louis County Department of Public Health it was decided to cancel the 59th Annual Valley of Flowers festivities and the parade that was scheduled for May 7-9 because it became apparent that the ongoing issues and restrictions of Covid-19 would cause festival activities to be drastically reshaped. After an initial meeting with the Saint Louis County Department of Health, Florissant was informed that they will not authorize the Grand Parade for 2021.
Many of the health restrictions that were in place in 2020 are still in place for 2021. The festival committee began work on 2021 activities in conjunction with the City of Florissant and the Saint Louis County Department of Health.
In subsequent meetings, the County Department of Health indicated that the restrictions of social distancing, requirement for masks, and of limits on the number of attendees will have to be enforced if a festival is to be approved by them. As a result, the committee and the City of Florissant regret that the Valley of Flowers Festival for 2021 has to be cancelled for the safety and well-being of the community.
Over the next two months the festival committee will work with the City of Florissant to determine whether there are opportunities for “virtual festival events” so that the spirit of the weekend can be kept alive in the face of the pandemic limitations.
For updated information please visit www.florissantvalleyoflowers.com and/or www.florissantmo.com and all of the city’s social media outlets.