Councilman Harder, Traskas & Fitch

3 County Councilmen  Call for

The reopening of County parks.

Three members of the St. Louis County Council are calling on County Executive Page and Parks Director Tom Ott to reopen a few of the largest county parks for resident use. In their letter sent to County Executive Page, they requested certain parks be opened on a limited and controlled use basis at the earliest possible date. Residents have been overwhelmingly asking for these parks to be re-opened for their use and enjoyment.

The recent Executive Order closing all county parks is driving more people to use St. Louis City parks and county municipal parks, thus concentrating more people in a smaller space making it harder to follow social distancing guidelines. Many state parks have remained open during this time by following similar social distancing restrictions. City Parks in St. Louis have remained open with social distancing  during the Corvid-19 spread.

County residents should be able to walk, run, hike and ride bikes in their county parks. The opening of these parks is not only positive, but necessary for people’s physical and mental well-being. Small gatherings of 10 people or less should be allowed, but park shelters, athletic areas and playgrounds should remain closed. “Enjoyment of these parks can be done in a responsible and safe manner”, said Councilman Trakas.

“Our overall goal is to see ALL the parks reopened by the middle of May or sooner. In the meantime, we are encouraging the opening of the following parks with limitations: Queeny, Jefferson Barracks, St. Vincent, Creve Coeur, Greensfelder, Sioux Passage and Tillis parks”, said Councilman Fitch.

Current social distancing and small gathering rules still apply. Park rangers and county police will enforce the rules. All indoor activities will remain cancelled.

“We will focus on safety and protecting lives while restoring sensible access to St. Louis County parks in a responsible manner for the well-being of our residents”, said Councilman Mark Harder.