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Rance Thomas opinion column

Grocery Store Workers Provide

Us With Services For Our Survival


With the Coronavirus within our communities and among us, it is very difficult to see how some individuals continue to do what is expected of them. They certainly deserve as much thanks and praise we can give them. This is especially true for our first responders who are continuing to provide the service and care that we need at any time,

Of course, these include the police, EMS personnel, fire fighters, and our healthcare providers; doctors, nurses, aides, house keepers, food service personnel, etc. They carry on with their responsibilities in spite of the invisible virus that is affecting many individuals in our communities, and even some of them.   I am certain that they are very concerned about the possibility of becoming a victim, but they carry on in spite of this. They deserve a great deal of praise and gratitude. In fact, we cannot give them enough gratitude.

However, there is another group of individuals who also deserve many thanks and much praise. I am certain there are others who continue to do what is expected of them as well. The specific group I am speaking about is the grocery stores workers who carry on with their responsibilities in providing food and supplies that we must have to survive. Although, they are not normally paid as much as first responders nor do they have the same prestige,, they still carry on and appear to do what they normally do.

“In walking through a grocery store a week ago and today, I was amazed at how calm and busy they were in stocking the empty shelves and carrying on with their duties. The cashiers were as friendly and helpful as usual and did not appear to fear contact with customers.” This was truly very surprising and made me feel very grateful for their continuing commitment to their customers.

Although they are not paid as much as first responders nor have the same prestige ,they are truly essential to our survival, because we must all have food to survive.

We should all be very grateful for what they do and continue to do during these uncertain times. What they do also applies to first responders as well, because they must have food to survive. I wonder how we can show our appreciation to them for their continuing commitment to ensure we have the food and supplies we need. As I shop, I tend to be more kind and courteous than usual and wish them all the best. In fact, they tend to do the same for me.

These are truly strange times, and we need to be kind and courteous to everyone, because we do not know what will happen to us or them at anytime. Therefore, I urge everyone to remember this.