Dining Divas: Brunch at Nadoz in Good Choice, But Don’t Count Your Points


For the past several years, the Dining Divas have kicked off the New Year with a Sunday brunch, instead of our typical Thursday night dinner.

For the past couple years, we’ve been disappointed in our choices (“Pucks” at the St. Louis Art Museum and “Meriwether’s” at the History Museum), and have considered making Yia’s Yia’s in Chesterfield our annual brunch instead of trying out new places. But this year, we continued with the tradition and were happy once again.

At the request of the Italian Diva, we chose Nadoz in the Coronado Hotel across from St. Louis University on Lindell. Once an elegant hotel, the Coronado used to have guests like Barbara Stanwyck, Harry Truman, and Mae West. Years later, it became a dormitory for St. Louis University. After renovations, it reopened in 2003.

Unfortunately, the Italian Diva had to miss out on Nadoz as she spent the weekend on the east coast in Boston. And the other Divas who couldn’t make it were also disappointed that they missed out on such a nice brunch and enjoyable get together. Those of us who could make it, loved it…the food, yes, but mostly the camaraderie of the group. And this reminded us of why we do this every month. Not for just the food, but for the fun of the group.

At the beginning of the New Year, the Divas are always making changes and resolutions, and usually it’s the Deep Thoughts Diva who starts the conversations as to what we’re all going to do differently this year. Because she wasn’t able to join us this time, we figured that meant we didn’t need to better ourselves this year. “We’re as good as it’s going to get,” we laughed.

You can always count on the Talkative Diva to get us rolling. Between her outrageous family (in the best sense) and her latest project (she and her husband are rehabbing a house), she’s always got something to share at the table that each and everyone of us looks forward to hearing each month. You can count on her to call you up later in the day or the next morning apologizing for something she said that may have offended someone. And you can count on her to try just about everything offered on the brunch buffet! For those of us that can’t take it all in, she’ll let us know what to skip or what we might like. And for her, we’re all extremely grateful.

At this Euro Bakery Café, there were lots that we liked. The restaurant is located in the lobby of the hotel, in a sophisticated setting. But don’t be scared off if you’re just out for a casual brunch on a Sunday morning. It’s good for that too.

It was unfortunate that there was so much to offer. I can see many return trips in the future. For the pastry table and the more than a dozen breads, muffins, and croissants made fresh that morning. For the hot and cold entrees like beef, chicken, and fish along with pastas and salads. And of course, the breakfast items, like bacon and sausage, omelets and great waffles.

One Diva said the last time she had a waffle like that was at the Greek Diva’s father’s house in Florida. The man can make some waffles. Every Diva that’s had his waffles agrees. They’re hard to compare. And Nadoz came close.

One trip I didn’t miss was to the dessert table. Mousses, mini-cakes, cookies, cheesecakes, and more. There was a sugar cookie-chocolate mousse pastry that the best way to describe it would be “wow.”

This place is “dangerous” as the Dieting Diva said. So don’t come if you’re planning to “count points.” You’ll miss the fun of it. Besides, as I told her, it’s Sunday. Calories don’t count on Sunday. And save the resolutions for next month


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