Bulger Did The Right Thing; Fans Know Who He’s Talking About


Most of the time, I am wrong but for once I was right. This Rams team was a time bomb waiting to go off and it happened this week after the Arizona Cardinals came into town and handed it to the Rams. Everyone I think overlooked the Cardinals. They are the best 2-9 team in the National Conerence.

It is just like the Rams will be on Monday night against the Bears. Nobody expects them to win but they can. The Bears don’t have much to play for as they have wrapped up their division so I wonder about the caliber of play that night.

Back to the Rams though, I have talked about it all year long, the lack of intensity that I see. Maybe it is just up front to the public and the media and it’s different behind closed doors but Marc Bulger finally said what I think many are thinking about the lack of effort by some. Unfortunately, Marc didn’t call out any name but I am pretty sure we all know who he is talking about.

This was even directly asked to Coach Linehan in his press conference but he said that we were putting words in people’s mouths that we did not know who Bulgere was talking about. I think so though, as Alex Barron continues to make mistakes in his second year. He is young; I will give him that but to count on at least 2 to 8 false starts a game is ridiculous. The other is center Richie Incognito; he’s young to but the hot headed mistakes have to stop. Where do you draw the line?

I am glad that Marc stood up and said something; I wish he would have called players out. Maybe that will spark the fire. Something has to.

Fans Knew Warner Was in the House>

One positive came out of Sundays debacle was that Kurt Warner was back in town. No he didn’t get in the game but he was in the building and the people knew it. It was really neat to see him enter the stadium in the tunnel. We all heard applause from the working staff at the dome and we wondered what was going on. It was Kurt entering the building.

Another cool thing was that after the game over the tunnel, in which the players leave the field, there were about a thousand people standing and cheering as Kurt left the field. As much as Kurt talks about the fans of St. Louis having his heart, the fans still truly love this guy.

Brenda was also in town, right back in her old familiar seat in the first row behind the Rams bench. Some might not have recognized here as her hair is now long and it’s totally blonde. A few months ago, I had a chance to sit with Kurt and Brenda at a dinner I emceed, and they said that they love Arizona, but St. Louis always has a special place in their heart. This town is what put that family on the map.

I was hoping really bad at the end of the game that Kurt would come into the game and finish it off. I think the fans would have gone crazy.

Finally as the Christmas season approaches, I will tell you every week, count your blessings for the love ones in it. Life is short, stop and enjoy it sometimes, I think many of us forget that all to often. Happy Holidays.


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