North County Inc. Launches . . .

‘True North’ Campaign

true north logo ish

North County Incorporated (NCI) launched a campaign to highlight authentic stories of people, places and progress in the northern part of the St. Louis metro region. The “True North” campaign will feature authentic stories of the diverse communities and people in North County, through engaging graphics, content and photos.

“This region has so much to offer residents, businesses and visitors,” said NCI President and CEO, Rebecca Zoll. “We’re so thrilled to have a platform that helps celebrate and share our successes as a community.” The aim of the campaign is to further NCI’s mission of fostering growth and prosperity in north county, encouraging individuals and businesses to “find their true north” within the area’s vibrant landscape of neighborhoods, commerce and tourism.

The campaign was designed to be a grassroots effort, so community stakeholders can easily participate and promote good things happening in north county by sharing their stories of success. NCI partnered with St. Louis-based marketing agency Magnetize to develop the campaign.

For more information and to read True North Stories, visit the campaign’s website,

Logo NCI

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