VFW Post 4105 Goes . . .

Smoke-Free in 2019


Florissant Valley Memorial VFW Post 4105 is now “Smoke Free.” Commander Thomas Pero made the announcement Monday with   2019 marking the 50th Anniversary of being part of the Veteran Friendly Community. Pero issued a letter to the community and supporters. His letter follows:

“Our teams are working diligently to revitalize, freshen up, and prepare our VFW Post for the next 50 years. Just this past year alone, with the support of our Auxiliary and Friends of Veterans, we were able to make quite a few notable updates.

“ We still have plenty of work to do and need your support now, more than ever. In an attempt to get ahead of the changing times, draw in new membership, their families, and our community, we have decided to go “Smoke Free effective January 1, 2019”.

“Although this may be an unpopular decision for a few, even members of our smoking staff feel it is best for the strength and longevity of our post. Gulf War Era Veterans make up the largest group of Veterans at this time, we owe it to them, their families, and our workers to have a clean, smoke free environment where they can have a meal, a drink, or socialize during a community event.

“If you, or anyone you know hasn’t been by in a while, please come by to check out our weekly events, and our annual Fish Fry Fridays during Lent, “ Pero said. “On behalf of those who have served to protect our freedoms, we want to, Thank You in advance for your continued support.”

VFW POST 4105 2018-19

Commander -Thomas Pero



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