Randy Gardner on Sports: The Blues vs. The Rams

We’re Still Talking About the

Rams as the Blues Have Struggled

By Randy Gardner

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

I have been talking a lot about the Los Angeles Rams over the past few months but I am fascinated by the story, especially since the epic win against the Kansas City Chiefs. I was only able to see the fourth quarter but it was one heck of a game.

I was glued to the couch as the Rams and Chiefs exchanged scores like two heavyweight boxers changing punches in a prize fight. I really think that the Rams are going to win it all this year— to many peoples dismay. I have talked to a lot of people over the past few weeks and they are convoluted about whether or not they are still Rams fans.

I have also heard some inside stories about the franchise that makes me think twice about how I think about some of the players. Sometimes what you think about someone is just external until you learn more about them. This happened to me as I was totally fooled by what I thought of someone else. I can’t elaborate to much but I don’t think of them the same way after hearing the story. I guess the moral to the story is not to judge a book by the cover.

It was good to hear that Mike Matheny landed on his feet and found a scouting position close to St. Louis. If you have not heard, he is now a coaching scout with the Kansas City Royals. I think he will be good at that job as he worked well with the younger players. Sometimes change is good and what is bad at the time ends up being a better situation in the long run.

The Blues are not off to a good start. The team really was struggling under the recently dismissed coach but even with a coaching change the results have been the same so for. I think it’s a locker room issue; losing is contagious and so is winning. Once the team can put a few wins together they will build some momentum and things could change. It is a long season just like baseball and if things click at the right time, it can take you on a long playoff run. Good luck to the new head coach and for the sake of Blues fans everywhere, lets put some wins together. LETS GO BLUES.

All of the talk about a soccer team in St. Louis has started to come to reality and I am really excited about the prospect of team here. I think this is pretty much a done deal as of now, I hope. I would love to see the passion of the St. Louis sports soccer community come to fruition and get to enjoy another major sport in St. Louis. It can become a reality but we must stay active and vocal about the want and need for a soccer team in the Lou.

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