Florissant City Council . . .

Still Has Issues With Adult Day

Program Seeking Banquet Center

By Carol Arnett

City of Florissant logo   The Florissant City Council continued a public hearing at the latest meeting. The council had previously postponed the hearing about a request to amend a special use permit to Grace & Mercy Adult Program for the addition of an adult day care to the Banquet/Event Center at 11 Patterson Plaza Shopping Center. At a previous hearing, several nearby residents said that they were unhappy with the banquet center and their evening activities.

Juanita Gullet spoke for the adult day care. She said that she and her partner were residents of the community and is a pastor. Her church does outreach work in the community. She said that Mayor Robert Lowery used to ask for her help when there were families in need in the city.

“When we are out in the community, we see a lot of older people alone during the day,” she said. “When we saw 11 Patterson Plaza, we asked about it.” Her church used to hold services there when it was getting started.

“The event center has had some problems in the past and it seems that some of these problems are just escalating,” Council President Jeff Caputa said.

City Attorney John Hessel said that the council needs to address the problems with the banquet center. “The council issued the special use permit with the condition that it would not adversely affect the community.” On August 24 and 25, a large group was arguing in the banquet center lot and 10 to 15 gun shots were fired from a vehicle. In July, there were incidents with noise violations and in May, there was an incident that required police response.

“The city is considering revoking the business license,” Hessel said.

“I am recommending that this public hearing be continued beyond this evening( Sept. 24) so the administration and I can conduct further investigation and make some decisions about revoking the business license for the banquet center,” Hessel said. He added that he recommended the hearing be continued rather that closed because there would be more information coming. The council voted to continue the hearing until the next council meeting on Oct. 8.

The council then voted on several bills that would appropriate money to various accounts, many to supplement salary and incentive accounts through the end of the city’s fiscal year. All were approved.

“This has been really wearing on me,” Councilwoman Jackie Pagano said. The council has been in disagreement with Mayor Tom Schneider about these bills. Several council members have stated that they should not have been necessary if the mayor had reduced spending earlier in the year as the council asked him to. She said she wanted to thank the city’s new finance director. She also thanked Councilman Joseph Eagan for speaking out against the administration at the last meeting.

Pagano said that she did not want to hurt city employees by voting against appropriations for salaries. “I believe that the mayor knew that going in, so he just did it and asked for forgiveness later,” she said. “But my conscience is saying be the bigger person and vote yes.” She added that things would change soon.

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