Albert Proves He’s Human in H. R. Derby

After all of the hype for so long about Albert Pujols would come out and blowing away the fans in the home run derby, as many have thought it just shows that he is human. Some may forget he played a double-header in Chicago Sunday.

This guy is not a machine even though many of us think so. It was pretty cool though to see the fans of St. Louis come out in the force that they did and watch this historic Home Run derby. It was amazing and almost epic as Albert needed those home runs to get to the second round and he comes through— that was cool.

I think St. Louis has done an extraordinary job hosting this event so far. The coverage
on National TV looks great; it really portrays our city as first class.

It is really nice to hear the players and commentators talk about the passion of St. Louis and its fans about baseball.

Unfortunately, my deadline for this column is on Tuesday before the All Star game but I am going on a limb and say that Albert will have his big night and lead the National League to the win. By time you read this, you’ll know if I was correct.

Ryan Howard Has Some North County Ties

Just a little tidbit about Ryan Howard that I just found out was that for a brief while he played ball and lived in North County attending Our Lady of Loretta School . So not only does he have that St. Louis connection, he has a North County Connection just like we do with a lot of NFL athletes.

How about the fans in the stands getting some National TV time making some great catches off of these home runs Monday, especially the kid who helped out Albert on the home run that would have probably hit the wall. Good job, young man.

Gateway has Big Racing Night July 18

If you are a racing fan, well this will be your weekend as the Nationwide series rolls into Gateway International Raceway, and there are some big names coming along with them including the biggest, Kyle Busch. Carl Edwards will also be here along with several other big names but by far it is a treat to have Kyle Busch here.

Whether you love him or hate him come out and see him. I will take Carl to win this one per say at his home track. The race will be late Saturday night (July 18) with an 8 p.m. start, so the track will be cool and the times will be fast. You can always expect some crashes at Gateway; it is a very tough challenging track with the egg shaped corners. Come on, give it a try, you’ll love it

Just two weeks away and the hype around Rams football is starting to take shape. Camp will start here at the end of July and it is once again open to the public. Get out and see all of the new faces and the new coaches.

There will be a total different look and attitude to this team. As I mentioned before, Coach Spagnuolo will not be taking things that Linehan took. Just look at the cutting of Pisa Tinaisamoa, that was huge and I think it made a statement to the players that you better be ready to come and play and it doesn’t matter who you are, you better be ready to play.

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