Cards Gave Us A Wild Ride in 2018, But . . .

Same Ending 3 Years in a Row

by Randy Gardner

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

Well it is over for us as St. Louis Cardinal fans for 2018.. It was a long fun ride but the playoff hunt is over. I thought for awhile that the team had a shot but they basically just fell apart the last week. Not just one part of the team but almost every aspect including fielding

There were several mistakes that would cost us a run here and there and at this level those are the ones that make a big difference. There is always next year as everyone says but it is so true.

I am curious to see what happens after a full year or off-season with the new manager. Do they trade or go with the young players they are developing so rapidly especially in the pitching staff. This will give him a chance to get things his way leading into the new season. I think this is an important off season for him and the franchise. It is hard to come in and take over something in the middle especially when there are so many hopes riding on what you do.


4-0 Rams Look Like STL 2000 Team

It’s hard to believe that these words are coming out of my mouth but the Rams are 4-0 and look really good. Was this the plan all along or will they fall flat on their faces again like they have done in the past. The Rams are still playing in the L.A. Coliseum but will move into their now state of the art stadium in 2020

It is amazing. I have seen the renderings and have seen the progress of the building of the stadium on TV the other day and it is like something you have never seen. The Rams went from a team that could not fill half a stadium to a team that is drawing 75,000 per game. I talked last week about not watching the NFL but this week I found myself paying attention to several games. That’s just the way it goes, sports become addictive.

Finally, congratulations to all youngsters that have taken the challenge of many professional sports teams and have committed to exercising like the play 60 initiative instituted by the NFL. It is so important in this day and age with video games consuming the time and energy of kids. Get out and get some exercise, it is life changing.

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