Fans Should Join In All-Star Activities Even Without Game Ticket

What a week it has been not only in the world of sports but how about the world of entertainment? It was a total shock that we lost four well known personalities. We knew that Ed McMahon and Farrah Fawcett had illnesses but Michael Jackson and Billy Mays was totally out of the blue.

I was surprised like many I talked to that Michael Jackson was 50 years old, I thought he was in his mid 40s, either way, all of these are major losses to our entertainment world.

All-Star Events Should Be Great

Onto sports, all the hype has started for the All Star game already; it is just around the corner. I think this is going to be a great event for St. Louis, even if you don’t have tickets for the game, go down and join in on the celebration. This could be one of those once in a lifetime events. You know, like the Rams winning a Super Bowl, HA HA!.

There are things to do for the entire family during the All Star weekend. Did you know that St. Louis holds the record for the hottest All Star game ever at over 100 degrees (July 1966) and that record will probably never be broken because the All Star game used to be played during the day and now it is always at night.

Rams Coach Promises Tough Camp

The Rams new head coach; I will call him Mr. Spagnuolo for now, promised the players as they broke mini camp that camp would be really hard this year. That is great news—that is what these guys need to hear, so they prepare as they come to camp.

I think in years past, players looked at camp as mostly just a walk through. We need someone to get in here and put these players to the test early. Find out who can play and can’t, and most importantly, who wants to give and effort and who doesn’t. If they don’t want to give that effort then adios my friend. That’s the way I look at it and I think a lot of you would agree.

This is a make or break year for this franchise in St. Louis, as this will be the year that you either win or lose the fan base, especially with the sale of the team on the horizon. We will see, camp opens up in about four weeks at Rams Park. It is open to the public on many days, so get out there and support this team from the start. Also, it’s a great way to meet the players and hopefully get an autograph or two.

As I wrap up, Happy 4th of July to all of you. For many, it is a long weekend, so be safe if you travel and make sure to take extra precautions around fireworks, especially for the children. Happy Holiday.

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