France, England Likely Have the Most U.S. Fans For a World Cup Finale

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

by Randy Gardner

It’s the week that we have all been waiting for, well at least about a billion people have been waiting for. It’s World Cup semifinal and Final week. As I write this column, they are down to four teams, are they the four that everyone expected, certainly not. They are teams that many thought could make it but not to the final four.

I have watched more soccer over the last month than I have in four years. By recording all the games, I could go back and watch them with my boys.

It was great bonding time.

Some of the notable losers in the tournament were Neymar Jr. and Brazil, along with Messi and Argentina and Ronaldo and Portugal. These were the big three and they went out early.

I can’t wait and see the total ratings of the games without these players. I know they are the biggest draws in the world as far as viewing. They are all really good players but the argument about who’s best can be put into three categories at least for me really quickly.

world cup 2108   Ronaldo is the best goal scorer. That is all he does, I think he is a goal minded player most of the time. He is really good at it though. As far as Messi, I think he is the best all around player. He has unbelievable ball skills, has a great shot, and will hustle both on the ball and off the ball. He creates space for others unselfishly. He is what a coach looks for in a player.

Now, turning our attention to someone who has gained the reputation of being an actor on the field (Neymar) rather than a player. Again, he is a good player but his antics are costing him at his own expense. No one will take him serious if he continues his flopping around on the field for every single foul.

They have to put an end to this. I am hoping by the next World Cup that they will reinstate a rule saying if you have the medical personnel come onto the field for you or you stop the flow of the game, you have to sit out for 10 minutes, no questions. That will stop all of this unnecessary stuff. It really takes away from the game both for people who love the sport and the ones that soccer is trying to win over.

world-cup-trophy   Staying on soccer, what a victory for North America as the 2026 World Cup will be held on American soil along with Canada and Mexico. What a brilliant idea to package all 3 countries together. I know it is 8 years away but how cool will that be. I also heard last night that the 2022 Cup will be in the Fall. I have to do a bit more research on that.

As I start to wrap this column up. I still haven’t told you who I think will win the World Cup this year. I think it will come down to France and England in the Final. It will be a close one but I think England will win 2-1. Either way, both teams deserve a lot of credit and all four teams here at the end are great teams and should be congratulated on a job well done.

Now, we have to wait for four more years to enjoy another 30 days of soccer at this level. Remember, the Women’s World Cup is not to far away.


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