A Boomer’s Journal: Valentine’s Day Could be More Than Day of Wine and Roses

Tom Anselm
Tom Anselm

By Tom Anselm

Hey, friends, howsa’bout something different for Valentine’s Day this year?

Talking mostly to the guys out there, especially the more adventurous of them. If you are anything like the typical male with a significant other in your life, this day of celebration of love is a minefield of do’s and don’t.

Number one, DON’T FORGET!

And almost equally important, DON’T BE CHEAP!

After meeting these two requirements, you should be pretty much on safe ground. Not that I am any kind of expert in this realm, but I think the important thing is to acknowledge that lovely significant other’s significant place in your life, and make it a nice day. A card, maybe flowers, a gift (earrings are a winner!). Maybe dinner, out or in-home, prepared by you. These are tried and true methods for a day such as this.

But here’s an idea: I know it’s winter, and it may be hard to come by these, but instead of roses, why not dandelions? Dandelions, you may be saying . . . are you out of your mind? Well, regardless of my mental health issues, a nice bouquet of dandelions might be a greater statement of your love than $75 worth of American Beauty’s. And a whole lot more, uh, economical, leaving room for them-there earrings in the celebratory budget. I haven’t checked any florists out to see who might have them, but it’s worth a try, and you still have a few days to get on the Interwebs.

dandallions   Why dandelions? Well, it can’t be denied that they have that glorious golden hue. Allegedly brought to the America’s by the Pilgrims of Mayflower fame, they flourished across the continent. They have a bad reputation, sadly, because of their proliferation into lawns and categorization as a ‘weed’, when in fact it is just a wildflower. But how can you put down the simple bloom that little kids love to give their mommies, who proceed to put them in a small glass on the kitchen window sill?

I used to drive my neighbors nuts since I seldom put anything on my lawns to stop their rampant growth. They were so pretty, blanketing the yard in sunshine, and so much fun to blow the thistle-seeds into the air. And, well, onto my neighbors’ manicured lawns, I guess.

But think of this as well. The dandelion has been long been purported as a natural health supplement, being used for tea, coffee, the greens as a provider of over 8 vitamins and 4 nutrient minerals, chock full of anti- oxidants, the leaves helpful in the primary bodily functions (you know what I mean.)

Oh, and did I mention that these yeller-little- buds can be fermented into wine. Yep, “Dandelion Wine.” Sounds fun, like Annie Green Springs Cherry Country or Boone’s Farm Strawberry Hill, those legendary staples of a Boomer’s Mississippi River Festival picnic-basket. (Google that reference, anyone under 50!)

Ok, so maybe you won’t be able to come by some of these darlin’ flowers just yet, as the ground remains brown and dead. But give your honey a note that says at the first spring burst of yardgold, you will be out there a-harvesting her some wine.

Pretty sure that with this promise, a pair of silver hoops, and a nice restaurant meal, you will be sitting pretty. As for me, it’s “neighbors beware” come May, as my yard will become a haven for the multiplying of the tasty, medicinal and colorous dandelion. I’ll get back to you later on the wine thing.

valentine's old fashion


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