Hazelwood Offers 12-Week Biggest Loser Program Feb. 1-April 25

One of the benefits of participating in Hazelwood’s 12-week The Biggest Loser Program is unlimited use of the fitness areas at both of the city’s recreation centers. Both facilities provide similar workout equipment that you would find in all the top-ranked fitness clubs. Last year, 14 new workout machines were added to Civic Center East’s fitness room, many of which feature video touch screens that can monitor the speed, distance, time and body’s pulse/heart rate.
Unlimited use of the fitness areas at both of the city’s recreation centers is one of the benefits of participating.

According to the Statistic Brain Research Institute, the number of Americans who usually make New Year’s resolutions is 41 percent. Of this total, over 21 percent make a resolution to lose weight or live a more healthier lifestyle.

The City of Hazelwood’s Parks & Recreation Division is helping local residents make their resolutions come true by offering a 12-week The Biggest Loser Program from Feb. 1 to April 25. A kick-off meeting and initial weigh-in for all participants is scheduled for Tuesday, Jan. 30 at the Hazelwood Community Center, starting at 7 p.m.

Registration for this program is open to residents as well as non-residents. Fees are $20 for residents and $30 for non-residents. Weigh-in dates are set for Feb. 20, March 13, March 20, April 3 and April 17. All weigh-in results will be tracked by Parks and Recreation staff.

“This fitness program is mostly self-driven, meaning it’s up to the participants to motivate themselves. But we’re planning to do some things different for this year’s program to make it more fun and keep everyone motivated,” City of Hazelwood’s Recreation Supervisor Greg Viehman said.

“We plan to add several gatherings during each week where participants can meet to talk and workout together at several exercise stations. It’s a great way to bring folks together and form a support group to help each other make it through the program.”

Viehman goes on to say that one of the biggest advantages for people participating in Hazelwood’s 12-week fitness program is the fact that they have unlimited use of the fitness areas at both the Community Center and Civic Center East.

“Both facilities provide similar workout equipment that you would find in all the top-ranked fitness clubs. Last year, we installed 14 new workout machines at Civic Center East. Several of them feature video touch screens which monitor the speed, distance, time and body’s pulse/heart rate,” Viehman added.

Other program benefits include the following:

  • 20% discount off any fitness programs which begin between February and April;
  • Current Hazelwood Premier Pass Members receive a 3-month extension on their current membership;
  • Everyone who loses 20 pounds receive $5 in Recreation Bucks;
  • Free to 2017 contestants who weigh the same or less than their final weigh-in total last year.
  • One male and one female who end up losing the most pounds over the 12-week period are chosen as program winners. Each of them are awarded an Individual Premier Pass and a 2018 White Birch Bay Aquatic Center Individual Season Pass.

For more information, contact Hazelwood Recreation Supervisor Greg Viehman at (314) 731-0980.

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