Rams: Friend or Foe? & College Championship Game was a Classic

by Randy Gardner


LA rams logoThere are so many ways to spend a weekend night during the winter. One of them is being snuggled up next to a fire watching a football game. Unfortunately that wasn’t me. I wanted to just sit home and watch the Rams game but I was part of a group of parents who went out to dinner and was forced to watch the game with a group of others.

The evening was great but I was amazed about the split in the routing section both for and against the Rams. Right from the start, it just felt like the Rams were going to lose and you would have been in awe of the cheering back and forth for the Rams.

For me, unfortunately they lost the game. I would have liked to have seen them go on to win it.

What somewhat made me happy they lost, was the fact that the owner came out and said that they truly didn’t have home field advantage. What does that mean? You are in the city that bears your name on your jersey! That is home field to me.

   Just another excuse. I hate excuses, out of anyone. Stand up and take ownership of what happens. The Chiefs took ownership of their loss, which was heartbreaking. I really wanted them to win also but they totally fell apart at the start of the second half. I guess now I will be on the Jacksonville Jaguar bandwagon since they have several ties to St. Louis including Mark Lamping from the Cardinals as their president.


college foot ball playoff logo   As far as college football goes, what a great National Championship game. I love the underdog and maybe Alabama wasn’t the underdog, the freshman quarterback was, and he took them all the way to the top. It was a gutsy move by the Coach Nick Sabin to make that change in a big game with a true freshman but it paid off. How cool is it to see things liken that happen? He still has three more eligible years to play. Do we have an early Heisman candidate for upcoming years? I think so. What is really cool about this game is that it appeals to everyone. They finally got this thing right with semi-finalist as far as the structure of the college playoffs.

One final thing, are you still exercising and keeping to your promises of a healthy 2018? I bet half of you have already stopped. The reason I ask is that, I have a friend who went to the doctor with chest pains and was immediately taken for a quadruple bypass. It happens quickly and you might think you are in great shape but years of not taking care of yourself can hurt you. Take time for yourself this year, it will benefit not only you but your family in the end.

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