World Series Over, Time For Off-Season

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

by Randy Gardner

The World Series lived up to all the hype except for game 7. I know for my last column we were on the verge of seeing the last two games of the series. I was in front of the tube waiting for an epic battle like all of the games before and then Houston jumped out to an early 3-0 lead and then it wasn’t so exciting anymore unless you’re an Astros fan.

Is that what the world has come to? That we are too bored too easy?

I almost felt like my kids as I watched the game. The satisfaction of just watching a game and enjoying it wasn’t there.

world series 2017I felt that I had to have some intrigue and emotion to go along with it or it just wasn’t exciting. I watched anyway but I fell asleep before the end. That is the best part. It is way more exciting though when the last out actually means something in terms of perhaps deciding the game. Anyway, it was a great World Series. A lot of fun to watch.

In Cardinals news, our local team has given Trevor Rosenthal his unconditional release as he wouldn’t be playing at the earliest in August or September 2018. They wanted a roster spot this year for an extra player. Also Lance Lynn got a one year $17 million offer which he will decline because he wants a multiyear deal and will test free agency.

Why did I not continue to play baseball? For any kid who needs an incentive to go outside and practice and get out from in front of the video games, there it is.

It is down to just a few in the world of high school sports, this weekend on Friday night the state semi finals in football will be held around the Missouri Region along with state semi final soccer games. The finals for State Soccer will be on Saturday at the Soccer Park in Fenton.

The weather is supposed to be pretty good all weekend, so if you are interested in seeing some great sports, pack yourself up and go and enjoy. There is nothing more fun than watching the passion of these kids and the fans of the schools cheering their teams on. Also, it is feeling a more like Fall sports weather, a bit of chill in the air as the day turns into night. In just a month or so, outside sports will be finished and all of the high school will turn to basketball and hockey. These are a lot of fun also to go and watch as a family.

happy holidays 1As I wrap this up, if you have kids you know that they are already sending out those Christmas catalogs with all of the toys in them. It is not even Thanksgiving yet and my kids have their lists already made out. The one thing I am trying to emphasize with my kids is the fact that the holidays are about family and giving to others.

It’s much better to give than to receive. I know this is a hard lesson for many kids to understand but a valuable one if it is taught right to them. Take some time this holiday season to give back to others even if it is a simple letter to someone telling them how important they are to you.

It could be life changing. Sometimes the little things we do have the biggest impact. I know most people think this way during the holiday season but just think what it would be like if we all thought this way year round, it would be a much better place. Have a Happy start to the Holiday season.

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