With Cards Out of the Playoffs, Should We Pick an NFL Team?

Randy Gardner
Randy Gardner

By Randy Gardner

So the Cardinals are done this year, the second year in the row they missed the playoffs.And now the Rams are 3-1 but nobody around here seems to care. But perhaps we still have a team to root for in the NFL, that being the cross-state 4-0 Kansas City Chiefs.

I have not had a chance to listen to much talk radio over the past few days but I am sure many are calling for a major overhaul the Cardinals and its managerial staff. Do you think it will happen?

I actually think that something major will happen, will it be a change with Mike Mattheny?

At first I would almost have to say no but as they wrapped up the season now I am sitting on the fence. Myself, as a fan, I think you give him one more year.

It seems like it is an eternity until Spring training but it will be here before you know it. The question I ask is if you will watch postseason baseball if the Cardinals are out? Most of my responses have been “yes” but only in the World Series, recalling that great Cubs-Indians series last year. I really don’t think many people care to watch if the Cards are not in it but if it is exciting like last year they’ll be watching. It is awesome to see drama or to see a team that is not supposed to be a contender become a winner.

As far as the NFL, without the Rams I am not doing much TV watching. Its really like I have no one to root for. I guess the next best team to pull for is the Kansas City Chiefs since they are the closest to us. Besides they are not half bad. They are the only unbeaten team in the NFL right now. I would love to see a team like this win the Super Bowl. They are almost considered a second tier team since they are from a small city.

I bet when most players get drafted Kansas City is not their first choice, the players always want to play for that major market team so to see a team prevail against the odds is awesome. You know I love to see the underdog team prevail. It is a long season and things in the NFL change fast so a loss here and there can change everything.


When Will Fall Finally Arrive

It is hard to believe that we have not seen those Fall temperatures yet here this year. I have wanted to sit outside and enjoy a fire at night but it has been way to hot. It effects everything including sporting events. I have noticed with all three of my soccer teams that they play way differently when it is hot outside. My kids play way better when it’s cool. What is going to happen is that we are going to jump straight to those 30 degree temperatures.

It’s like this for the high school games also. It is so nice to put on a sweatshirt and bundle up to watch a high school football game or soccer game but now we are still wearing shorts and seating out on a Friday night. It is just not the same without the Fall temperatures. Hopefully with a bit of rain and cool weather, everything will feel like normal again, I mean a Fall that is actually Fall. The weather fitting the season. I am not looking forward to the snow but I know many of your kids are. Get out and exercise as a family. The winter months where we are all coupled up are upon us.

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