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Read MoreBaseball, Football, And Injury Update

By Randy Gardner
As we fly through the month of September, the Cardinals seem to be falling apart. Earlier in the year and even up to a week ago, I was thought the Cardinals still had a chance. Now after losing three games in a row against the Cubs over the past weekend, I feel that they are not in contention anymore.
Now anything can certainly happen but for sure I can say we won’t be pennant winners. (Cards opened road trip in Cincinnati on Tuesday)
Is this the end for Mike Mattheny, I don’t think it will be but who can ever tell. I think you give him at least one more season and then make a decision. I think when the fans stop coming out to the games because the team is playing bad or losing, then it is time to make that decision. As for now, It looks like all of St. Louis Cardinal fans will be watching Fall baseball rooting for another team again this year.
Football, Hockey, and Soccer
For all of you football fans, especially ones that hate the Rams, this past weekend must have felt pretty good for you as the Rams fell to 1-1 losing to the Redskins. They only lost 27-20, so it was a close game but as I talked to people early in the week, many said that they were happy that they lost.
Do people around here really even care any more? It seems like we have not had that team here in St. Louis for several years and it has really only been two. How quickly we all forget. Will we ever get a new franchise here in St. Louis? I used to always say yes but I am not so sure anymore.
This has become a hockey and always been a baseball town. I would love to see it become a soccer town. I am trying to follow what is going on as they try to revive the plans for a team here in St. Louis but it has been pretty quiet except for some of the pro soccer boosters.
I know there are a lot of Mizzou football fans out there but right now I am not sure that I would admit it. What a butt kicking they got this past weekend at home against Purdue. This team put the Tigers in their place. I felt really bad for the team and the school as they looked like a high school team playing against a pro team. From all indications, the basketball program looks to be every strong this year as they have landed several top recruits from St. Louis and nationwide. But it’s still a few months before hoop season.
Quick Injury Report
Every weekend you hear or read of an injury report on athletes. Here’s a quick injury report on the writer of this column because so may people always ask me if I’m feeling better. Nine weeks ago, I fell and drove a metal rod in my arm and broke four ribs. I was feeling pretty good and then like everyone who has been hurt, hurt them again, not as bad, but still painful.
I used to always wonder why older people could never recover from injuries. Now I know because I am one of those people. I am hoping that this won’t affect me for my entire life, but I think it is going to. It is funny how maybe my sports career as a former athlete would end, now I know. I fell while digging in my yard with a shovel. Not a great story but the absolute truth.
I need to come up with a better story to have for my grandchildren.
Be safe and be happy. Life is short, live everyday to its fullest!