North County Catholic Schools Get New Director

Rick Danzeisen
Rick Danzeisen, Director of North County Elementary Schools

One of the first steps toward implementing a Renaissance for Catholic Schools in North County has been taken: a new Director of North County Elementary Schools joined the Catholic Education Office this summer.

Rick Danzeisen will provide leadership and support to all North County Catholic elementary schools and the Federation of Catholic Schools as the Archdiocese’s Renaissance for Catholic Education gains momentum.

Danzeisen has served as a Catholic School principal for 35 years, most recently at Our Lady of Lourdes in Washington, MO.  He brings enthusiasm and expertise to the table, as he will be working together with the school principals, pastors, and director of advancement to continue the collaboration of Catholic schools in North County, which has been ongoing since 2005.

“For many years now, we have been working hard at working together to continue excellence in Catholic education here in North County,” said Fr. Mike Henning, pastor of Holy Name of Jesus Parish and pastor representative for the Federation of Catholic Schools.

Danzeisen will spend much of his time on location in the ten Catholic elementary schools in North County.  He will provide support and guidance to principals at all parish schools on administrative and curriculum issues, and identify programs and resources that are needed to ensure that all families in have access to excellent and affordable Catholic schools.

This new leadership position is one of several recommendations that Archbishop Robert J. Carlson approved in April after a series of meetings in January and follow-up Q&A led by the Archdiocese School Oversight Committee. While all the schools in the federation are currently parish-based schools, that will change with the formation of the new partnership model school to be established between St. Ferdinand, St. Norbert and St. Rose Philippine Duchesne parishes and the Archdiocese.

As a designee of the Superintendent of Catholic Education, Danzeisen will work with those pastors and principals to plan all the details, including the formation of a board of directors this fall, to ensure a smooth transition to the new partnership school, set to begin in early 2018.

Recommendations also include a study of the Archdiocesan Elementary School (AES) model to be completed by October 2017. The AES model is currently in use at three schools outside of North County. For recommendations and the history visit:

Come in,   In 2010, after several years of exploring ways to collaborate, the pastors of the Northeast Deanery first signed the agreement on the Federation of Catholic Schools. The federation helps all parishes, even those without schools, stay close to the mission of Catholic education.

The federation agreement is renewed annually and now includes: Blessed Teresa of Calcutta School and Parish, Christ Light of the Nations School (Holy Name of Jesus Parish), Holy Trinity Parish and School (joined for the 2017-18 school year) Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish and School, Sacred Heart Parish and School, St. Angela Merici Parish, St. Ann Parish and School (joined in 2016-17), St. Ferdinand Parish and School (St. Martin De Porres Parish), St. Norbert School and Parish (St. Sabina Parish) and St. Rose Philippine Duchesne Parish and School.

To learn more about the programs and goals of the Federation or for application and enrollment information for any of the schools, visit web site:

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