Taxing District Proposed For Old Town Florissant


Florissant Mayor Robert Lowery has announced that he is exploring the idea of creating a special taxing district for the Old Town area.

In a special taxing district, businesses can charge a special sales tax. Money collected from this tax stays in the district and is used for projects within the district.

Lowery stated that the district could include St. Francois Street, in addition to shopping areas along Lindbergh Boulevard such as Florissant Meadows Shopping center.

Lowery has worked with Grace Zykan, president of Old Town Partners, to form a Community Improvement Governing Board for the Old Town area. Lowery has asked this board to work with Peckham, Guyton, Albers and Viets (PGAV), a municipal planning firm. PGAV has worked with the city before on other projects.

Lowery stated, “Mrs. Zykan and I both are excited about the great possibilities that will come from these meetings and the interest which will be stimulated in the Old Town area as well as positive effects upon the entire City.” Lowery added that this could bring tourism and new people to the area.

Former Councilman Robert Garrett will be chairman of the board. Other members include Steve Robbins, Donald Zykan, Patrick Click, William Bray, Rosemary Davison, and Lowery.

Davison said she looked forward to the meeting scheduled this week to learn more about the mayor’s plans. “I’m very concerned about what goes on in Old Town and I want to be involved in anything concerning its future.”

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