Fisher’s Failure Goes Way Beyond the Field … It All Starts at the Top for Rams

by Randy Gardner

I want you to try something at the start of next year. At work, I want you to only achieve your potential about 33% percent of the time and continuously tell your bosses and coworkers that everyone around you that you work with or manage are young and inexperienced, that’s why you are not achieving. Then I want you to get a hold of me and let me know how long that lasted.

At least you would have the opportunity with that kind of resume to be the head coach of the Rams

Now you will have to move to Los Angeles and work for Stan Kroenke, but you can pretty much coast along for about five years before you will get called on the carpet.

It was just what I expected out of the Rams, to the outside looking like total chaos, after a week or so after announcing a 2-year coaching extension,

Jeff Fisher Fired. What a turn. It was the same excuse for years he told all of us here in St. Louis and this year it was to the fans of LA. Is Jeff Fisher totally to blame? As a coach or manager, sooner or later you have to stand up and ask for some players and money to build a better team.

For the Rams organization, it seemed like was just all about the money. Sooner or later that ends if you don’t win. I have talked about this forever, winning solves everything. It sells tickets, it sells jerseys and builds franchises. Look at some of these organizations like the Cowboys, the Patriots, or the Steelers, they have built a fan base that will never leave.

Why can’t an owner see that trust and loyalty with the fans and the community will build a product that will never turn away. I am really curious to see who they will get as the Rams coaching job. The rumors are Pete Carroll, what?   Why would he leave Seattle to go to LA. The only thing I can think of is a truckload of cash and the warm sunny temperatures of southern California.

This will be interesting. The sad thing here is that, whoever they hire will come in and do a least a little better than Fisherand everything will be saved. Only time will tell.

At the beginning of this column I told you to only try at 33%, but of course don’t do that. My challenge to you this year is to do your best every minute of everyday. Try your hardest in your job and in the way you love and treat others, especially ones that are close to you. Sometimes it is hard to do in certain situations, but make that first step to mend bridges.

The first step is always the hardest. Take a second and cherish the breathe that you take, it can be taken away at any moment. Live every moment to its fullest. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. Look for use in 2017


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