Filing Dates Close Jan. 21 For Florissant Council

Residents who are interested in filing for nomination for Florissant City Council Wards 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 may obtain the necessary forms from the city clerk on or after Jan. 7, 2009, Monday-Friday, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at Florissant City Hall.

Candidates must be a registered voter of the city and shall have been a resident of the ward for at least one year immediately prior to the date of the election on April 7.

Candidates must obtain 200 signatures of registered voters in the ward where the petition is being filed.

Petitions and affidavit must be returned to the city clerk no earlier than Jan. 7 and no later than 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 21. The affidavit the accompanies the petitions must be signed by the candidate and notarized. The affidavit will be signed and the time and date recorded by the city clerk. Petitions must be signed by the candidate obtaining the signatures, but need not be notarized.

The city clerk, upon being informed by the Board of Election Commissioners of St. Louis County that the nominating petitions filed by a candidate is sufficient or not sufficient, shall notify the candidate immediately. If a petition is found insufficient, the city clerk will return it to the person filing it with a statement certifying wherein the petition is insufficient. Within the regular filing time for filing petitions, new or supplemental petitions may be filed for the same candidate.

Names will appear on the ballot in the order of filing.

The city clerk is not a notary and cannot accept the affidavit unless it has been notarized.

For more information, call Florissant City Hall at 314-921-5700.

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