Dining Divas go to BBQ Saloon

Dining Divas Enjoy Central West End Barbecue Joint

**Lisa Kampeter photo**Dining Divas was a struggle this month. First, we struggled picking a date (my bad decision as I was on vacation during our normal day of the month). Between the Fox season kicking off, work events, and kids soccer, it was a busy week, but we figured it out. Then, I picked a restaurant that apparently was doomed from its start. I had just read a great story on it in St. Louis Magazine a month earlier, and when I told everyone where we were going, I later found out they had already shut their doors. Then, the day of Divas, the girls were dropping like flies.

“I can’t go now because of work.”

“I’ve been so busy lately I want to stay home.”

“I thought it was tomorrow night!”

“I will be there in 15 minutes.” (Two days later.)

I considered canceling (I had only been home for one day in two weeks!), but I’m so glad I didn’t. The intimate group that was able to make it really enjoyed getting together and really enjoyed BBQ Saloon on Laclede in the Central West End. Often times, we have such a big group, it’s really hard to get into deep conversations with each other. Not this night!

It was wonderful to be able to discover more about what’s going on with each Diva versus the limited conversations we sometimes have with a big group. We enjoyed sharing young Diva stories and our history with our husbands and families. And, of course, having just returned from a cruise in the Baltic Sea, this Honeymooning Diva couldn’t wait to talk about the wonderful food, the Love Boat, and of course, vodka!

Located where the old Majestic, a local institution around for years, used to be, the BBQ Saloon is quite an upgrade. I’m not sure it’s as good for you as plain ol’ H20, but the restaurant specializes in whiskey. And according to the shirts the crew wear, “whiskey is water with a soul.” A whole lot of soul.

Our waiter, who I believe was also the owner, spent 21 years at Wildflower Grill (across the street), and it was obvious he is good at what he does. Successful and super friendly.

When we couldn’t decide on a couple appetizers, he decided for us. He brought out BBQ Pulled-Pork Nachos made with gruyere cheese, a form of Swiss cheese. So good. The Dieting Diva decided she’d go with a salad with grilled chicken, and even though it was just a salad with chicken, the meat was very juicy. And the salad was very good. Another Diva went for the Pork Steak, a huge piece of juicy barbecued meat, with amazing macaroni and cheese as well as cornbread served with honey butter. This Diva was even happier the next day when she had leftovers. And even though she’d had the nacho appetizer, the Playing-It-Safe Diva went for the Pulled Pork plate with intentions of bringing leftovers home for her husband. That didn’t happen.

Although we were stuffed, the Dessert Diva ordered a slice of Pecan Pie to share. We all believed the pie was good but something was off. It had a smoky taste to it, like something smoky had been added. When we brought it to the attention of our waiter, he agreed that he didn’t believe the chef meant for it to be like that! We didn’t mind.

Unfortunately, the Central West End hasn’t been the safest area recently. In the week we were there, there had been two murders and another one since then. With such great restaurants, like BBQ Saloon, I hate to see businesses decline as people stay away from the area.   Let’s pray the trend changes.

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