Hazelwood School District: Proposition 2 on Nov. 7 Ballot

Hazelwood School District residents will vote on a $65-million bond issue proposal on the Nov. 7th ballot to fund Phase II of the Hazelwood School District Long-Range Facilities Plan. It will not require an additional tax increase.

Proposition 2 asks voters to provide resources needed to correct facility concerns cited by the state in the 2006 Missouri School Improvement Program accreditation review by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.

“Many of our students learn in spaces that do not meet state standards,” said Superintendent Chris Wright. “Proposition 2 will provide funds necessary to expand school libraries and student services space to meet state standards and address other facility needs identified through the Hazelwood 1st public engagement process.”

Nineteen of the district’s elementary schools will receive improvements to student services space. This includes the addition of special needs classrooms, speech and language rooms, occupational and physical therapy space, dedicated instrumental music classrooms, and facility improvements for the English Language Learners program. These schools will also receive upgrades for the nurse’s area, in addition to accessibility upgrades.

Most elementary schools, as well as Hazelwood Central High School, will receive library improvements. Proposition 2 will also provide a new facility for the Central Early Childhood and GALACTIC elementary gifted programs, which are currently housed at Hazelwood Central High School. Furthermore, Proposition 2 will provide funds to upgrade the heating and cooling system at West High School.

“The Long-Range Facilities Plan that was developed for a 10-year period through Hazelwood 1st is now entering Phase II. It is exciting to witness the fruition of these phases and know that our district is following the wishes of the community and improving our facilities for our students,” said Kathy Jones, school district resident and Hazelwood 1st co-facilitator.

Hazelwood 1st is a public engagement process that began in 2003 and included more than 1,000 parents, staff, patrons, students and administrators coming to a consensus on what is needed to make the district first in education, student achievement and educational facilities. At that time, participants recommended two phases of
improvements in a three-phase Long-Range Facilities Plan.

The Hazelwood 1st committee reconvened in April and May of this year to assess progress of Phase I and to prioritize projects recommended three years ago for Phase II of the Long-Range Facilities Plan. In July, the Hazelwood School District Board of Education unanimously approved a recommendation by the Hazelwood 1st committee for a bond proposal to fund Phase II of the Long-Range Facilities Plan.

More information on Proposition 2 can be found on Charter Cable Channel 99, and on the district’s Web site at www.hazelwoodschools.org. Both the Florissant Valley Chamber of Commerce and North County Inc. are supporting the bond issue.

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