August 2nd Primary results

Ferguson Voters OK 2%

Hike in City Utility Tax

5 Additional Officers can be hired

    Firehouse #2 Can Stay Open

Voters in the City of Ferguson approved a two percent business license utility tax increase on Tuesday, August 2, 2016. The utility tax increase is expected to generate nearly $700,000 in additional municipal revenues by increasing the current business license utility tax from 6 % to (8% including companies supplying light, electricity, power, gas, telephone and water.

“This is a vote of confidence from the citizens of Ferguson,” said Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III. “The passing of Proposition U means the city will not layoff firefighters, and we will be able to keep Firehouse Number 2 from closing,” added Knowles.

The city is also looking to hire five additional police officers not currently included in the city’s budget that was approved by Ferguson Council members on June 28. Ferguson City Manager DeCarlon Seewood says the Ferguson Police Department has a shortage of officers due to retirements and officers seeking other opportunities.

“The Ferguson Police Department has lost more than 20 officers during the past two years,” said Seewood. “We are actively seeking to recruit and retain individuals who want to be a part of the Ferguson community. The hiring of the additional police officers will enhance our community policing efforts that we have already begun to implement,” added Seewood.

In April 2016, Ferguson voters approved Proposition E, an Economic Development Sales Tax that received nearly 70% voter approval.




YES . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,228 65.59

NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,169

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