City Council Meeting; Pit Bull Ban, CVS sign

16 Speak Out On City’s Ban of Pit Bulls

Florissant Holds 2 Hearings

By Carol Arnett

The Florissant City Council held two public hearings at the council meeting on Monday, voted on several bills and heard more complaints about the pit bull ban in the city.

During the “hearing from citizens” portion of the meeting, the council heard from several people who wanted to discuss the pit bull ban in the city. The city currently has a ban; several speakers asked the council to overturn it as they did at the last council meeting.

Breed specific legislation (BSL) targets dogs based on breed, regardless of behavior. Sixteen people spoke against the BSL and one spoke in favor of it.

In the first public hearing, the council heard about a request to amend a special permit to allow for additions to the existing ground sign for the CVS Pharmacy at 696 N. Hwy 67.

The sign is at the Florissant Meadows Shopping Center. The existing sign will be replaced by a similar sign which will have a full color electronic sign and a CVS sign. The current sign uses only amber lights. The sign will continue to change at nine second intervals.

Councilman Gerard Henke verified that the sign would have the same footprint and be roughly the same size. Councilman Joe Eagan asked about the brightness of the sign. The sign will have a sensor to regulate the brightness based on the brightness of the day. The council held a first reading of the bill that would approve the sign.

In the second public hearing, the council heard another request to amend a special permit. This one would allow a new landscaping plan for the Commercial Bank Building at 400 W. Washington.

Karen Weisemann, from Commercial Bank, said that the existing landscaping was outdated after several years. The new landscaping is already in as the bank wanted to complete it before the Valley of Flowers. They are now seeking the change to the permit. The council held the first reading on the bill that would approve the change.

   In other matters, the council:

  • Passed a bill authorizing a special use permit for a package liquor store for DC Liquors at 39 Florissant Oaks Shopping Center.
  • Passed a bill authorizing a relocation of the post sign for the property at 3025 N. Hwy 67. This is the location where Starbucks has opened. The sign has been moved from its original location on the plans to a different location at the site.
  • Passed a bill amending the city code regarding the registration of vacant residential buildings.
  • Passed a bill that will increase real estate license fees for rental properties.
  • Approved a request for the transfer of a special use permit from Alexander Wong to Leo Liu for Lucky House Restaurant at 728 S. New Florissant Rd.


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