U.S. Soccer News

Big Let Down on U.S.

Soccer Loses and Messi

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

I know some of you get tired of hearing me talk about soccer but I have heard from many that they also really enjoy the sport because it is not talked about enough in our community, in the newspapers, or on TV.

Well, I am here today to talk about the game against Argentina that I wrote about last week and then the follow up against Columbia for 3rd place.

First off, I was totally pumped up for the Argentina game. You have your country team playing the number 1 team in the world.

Besides that, the best player in the world is on the other side in Lionel Messi How can you not be pumped up!

So I got my chips and a beverage and sat with my three boys and watched the United States National Team get embarrassed. I felt bad for them. The possession graphic came up and said 68 to 32 percent in favor of Argentina. No way. It had to be 90 to 10 percent Argentina.

The United States team was lost on the field. They had never seen anything like that before. It reminded me of when I was a freshman in high school and we played the varsity team in a scrimmage. It was fear ridden and as soon as I got the ball I got rid of it so I don’t make a mistake. It did not help that Messi drove home a free kick in the upper shelf that was placed within 1 inch of both posts: unbelievable.

After that butt kicking, I was unsure what the team would do against Columbia, a team that had beaten them in the first game of the tournament. Do you need anymore determination and drive than that? They played better and had some chances but that doesn’t cut it at this level. Again they fell on Saturday night and took 4th place. That is still pretty good as it was their highest finish ever, but most of the fans, just like me were disappointed.

Onto Messi in the finals against Chile where the game went into penalty kicks. Messi was the first Argentina player to take and this guy is automatic but he missed and the team fell to Chile in the 1st place game. What a stage for Messi to miss after all of this pressure of being the best player in the world but not winning a Copa America Cup. Many have questioned his sincerity to his National team but the guy was visibly shaken after the game.

After the game he said that he will no longer play for his country. I can’t wait to hear more about this because the first words out of my son’s mouth after he heard this was, why is he a quitter? How do you explain that to a youngster that wears a Messi jersey half of his life around the house.

On Hockey and Baseball at Mid-Year

What about hockey news with the St. Louis Blues, did you see it coming or was I just totally off base? I am talking about the Blues trading goaltender Brian Elliot. I was waiting to hear a big name on the other side of the trade coming to us but it was for two draft picks. I had to read that twice. I thought the tandem in the nets was a huge plus for this team. Maybe not. The Blues do have ways of pulling off huge trades through the years and making them work. Look back at deals like Brett Hull, Bendan Shanahan, Chris Pronger, and the list goes on and on and on. With all of the hot weather, I am ready for some Blues hockey and some ice.

In baseball news, its still an amazing city to be a baseball fan in. No matter what place the Cardinals are in, they are really never out of the race. It is fun to watch Mike Mattheny play with this lineup moving players like Kolten Wong from infield to outfield. I think the fans love this kind of stuff. You never know what to expect. It’s like Whitey ball of the ‘80s with more power. I think that by making a player versatile like that, it can allow you to put more of your better players in lineup anywhere on the field. You are not stuck with someone not playing because his position is already being taken. Let’s go Cards and enjoy the 4th of July weekend. Be safe and happy.

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