FEMA Advises To Ask For ID Badges From Flood Recovery Officials

In the aftermath of the severe storms, flooding and tornado during the period of Sept. 11-24, many agencies are combing counties, towns, and neighborhoods to help Missouri communities as residents recover. Residents and officials of the counties recently approved to receive federal assistance can expect telephone calls and personal contact from representatives of these organizations.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Community Relations (CR) Specialists visit churches, and community organizations, and residents who may be eligible for the Individual Assistance, to answer questions, and seek referrals for persons with special needs. Private insurance inspectors will visit to assess damage to homes that are covered by insurance.

FEMA Housing Inspectors will call those who have already registered with FEMA by phone or online for an appointment to calculate eligible loss. Applicants who have completed and returned their U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) loan application may receive a phone call and visit by an SBA loss verifier to assess damage losses. Even representatives of voluntary agencies may contact residents to assess needs and provide relief.

FEMA and other legitimate organizations take measures to ensure privacy and protect against possible fraud. The FEMA inspection is free. Legitimate inspectors, insurance agents, and FEMA representatives always carry identification badges. Ask to see state or local permits or licenses of anyone approaching you about services related to the disaster.

Conducting audits and investigating possible fraudulent activities is a standard procedure in all federal disaster operations.

For potential cases of fraud or misuse, refer to the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Inspector General (OIG) by e-mailing DHSOIGHOTLINE@dhs.gov, Fax: (202) 254-4292 or phone 800-323-8603.

Individuals and business owners who incurred losses in the September storms are urged to call FEMA’s toll free registration line at 1-800-621-FEMA (3362), available seven days a week from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Central Standard Time, continuing until further notice

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