And So, Graduates of The Class of 2016….

A Boomer’s Journal:

Tom Anselm
Tom Anselm

Here we are, full into spring, and that means graduations. And with graduations come commencement speeches. No one has asked me to give one (yet), but if they do, here is what I’ll say.

Dear Graduates of Class of 2016:

As you sit there in your caps and gowns, you are hoping that this will be short and sweet. Well, I can promise you one thing, at least it will be short.

You are starting your next phase of life in a cray-cray world. Let’s tick  off a few of those elements: global strife led by unscrupulous and evil entities, climate change, political and social upheaval, economic uncertainty.

But, hey, guess what? The same could have been said to just about every graduating class since graduating began. So what’s different today?

One is that, by the power of the miraculous, some might say dubious, proliferation of instant communication, we know about everything as soon as it happens. Everywhere. At all times. This can lead to an overload in our brains that creates a dissonance. How will you ever find a way to cope with constant worldwide chaos?

It may help some to consider this. Everything changes. The skies, a flower, your hair color. The beachfront, the weather, relationships. My ability to bend my knees. Nothing, nothing stays the same.   So everyone here today take a deep breath… Okay. Now, you may go about doing what you can to save the world. Let’s explore that idea a bit.

You may burn with a desire to become a physician, a teacher, a neuroscientist. If that is you, then Godspeed, and all the best to you. Or you may be totally without direction, not even sure what your passion is. Sitting there today thinking… NOW what?

Well, I am here to tell you, that’s okay. Not everyone can be a Stanley Cup winner, rich and powerful, discover the cure to cancer. Some of you will take your diploma, put it in a drawer and go a completely different direction from what you just studied. Many of you will… gasp!… just get a job. Not a career necessarily. But just a job.

When my dad was a little kid, he probably didn’t dream of climbing telephone poles in all kinds of weather and crawling under people’s desks to install their telephones. But that is what he did, for 40 years. He just had a job. He raised his family, did what was needed. He had a quiet dignity to his life. He found his world. You can, too.

Will society help you with this? Probably not. Will it be easy to keep your moral compass pointed true north in days to come? Again, not likely. Our world presents many challenges in that regard. Following a moral path will take effort, but you can do it. Google ‘The Ten Commandments’ for a pretty good reference point.

And consider one more thing. Everyone has talent, everyone has a gift. It may be the capacity to show love and compassion to those who are ill. Or build a beautiful house. Or run into a burning building. Or guide someone in their financial decisions. Or figure out how to reach that difficult student. Or rock a fussy baby until she drifts off to sleep. Or… Like I said, the world will always be a messy place. Strive to save your own world, howsoever humble it may be. And seek peace and joy within. But remember to seek the help of a higher power.

Oh, and always wear your seatbelt. Life can be a crazy ride.


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