David Eckstein Shows His Cool on National TV


How cool was it to say World Champions in front of the words St. Louis Cardinals? It’s hard to believe but we are the Champions. I knew if the Cards could just get hot at the right time we could do it. The pitching was the key ingredient.

It was great to see David Eckstein win the MVP. This is a guy that I would want on my team if I owned one. It was really funny to hear him talk about winning the MVP and the new corvette; he said on Jay Leno that he couldn’t drive the car because he can’t drive a stick shift. David also talked about never having a new car ever. He bought his mother a new car with his contract money and he took her old car.

That is cool. This guy is truly down to earth.

A sea of red is the only way I could describe the Sunday that hosted the Championship Parade. I think it was really cool to see the players and their families riding in the parade. I actually think I saw Tony LaRussa smile for at least two seconds. Many ask if he will walk away from the game on top, I don’t think so, this guy is here to stay for a long while and I think finally he will be welcomed with open arms for many years to come.

Now onto the Rams, I guess we took a look at this team and saw how good they really are. I think they might be falling back into the place where they actually should be, about a .500 ball club. I think they overachieved early on and they are coming back down to earth. It’s early though; we have about half of the season left to go.

It was great that the Rams had last week off because every one was so wrapped up in the Cards that I don’t think that anyone cared if they played or not. Now though, we care about this team. How cool would it be to win all of the major sports championships in one year? The Cards, the Rams, and the Blues. Could it ever happen? I don’t think so, but wouldn’t that be great.

As Halloween passes, that means that High School Football is in PrimeTime and there are some great football matchups including the Suburban North. This weekend will be one for every football fan in the area as Hazelwood East will face McCluer North for the District title.

I haven’t had a chance to see as much high school football as I usually do and I truly miss it. I will keep you updated over the next few weeks on who will be at the dome on Thanksgiving weekend.

Speaking of Suburban North players have you been keeping an eye on Lawrence Mulrooney from the New England Patriots, this guy is a player and it was great following his career for all of those years in St. Louis. This guy is going to be a superstar in the NFL, just like many other Suburban North players. As I always mention. The Suburban North is the best conference in St. Louis.

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