Budget Cuts Loom For City

Ferguson City Voters Approve One of

Two Propositions on Tuesday, April 5

Ferguson City voters approved one of two Propositions on Tuesday, April 5. Proposition E, an Economic Development Sales Tax of a 1/2 cent received nearly 70% voter approval on Tuesday. Proposition E, received 68.99% voter approval which will generate $1,225,000 per year; of which $800,000 will be designated for general fund purposes, and $425,000 will be used for capital improvement purposes.

The sales tax will be used for business recruitment and retention, maintaining some city infrastructure (roads and buildings) and can be used to provide some police patrols in the business district.

“We knew going into this election, that it would be challenging to pass both Propositions,” said Ferguson Mayor James Knowles III. “But, for our community to pass Proposition E with nearly 70% voter approval says our community is looking forward to moving forward. We still have a long road ahead of us, and we know the Council will have to make some tough decisions over the next few months when it comes to our budget. But we are a resilient community and we will continue to move forward,” added Knowles.  Proposition P which called for a real estate tax increase failed to get the needed two-third majority

   Proposition E – Results

Yes – For the measure       2,103 68.9%

No – Against the measure    951 31.1%

Proposition P

Yes- For the measure  1,729

No- Against the measure 1,317

measure failed to get two-thirds majority


For the City Council, Heather Robinett got 65 percent of the vote to be elected in Ward 2.

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