Hazelwood Parents Seek Budget Cuts That Will Have Little Impact on Students

Members of the Parent Action Committee in the Hazelwood School District (HSD) and a district spokesperson appeared hopeful that the recent 3-hour line-by-line review of the budget might begin an open dialogue between parents and administrators regarding the HSD’s budget woes.

The $231 million dollar budget was carefully examined during the meeting, with parents questioning some expenses and seeking to identify areas where more savings can be realized.

Not all the questions, concerns or suggestions were covered, so an additional meeting may occur later this month, both sides agreed. The parents also want to meet with the Hazelwood School Board, which has been asked to postpone the 2016-17 cuts until a new superintendent is named. The district plans to name a successor to the current interim superintendent Ingrid Clark-Jackson in the next few weeks. She plans to retire in June.

The parents group says they recognize that postponing the planned cuts is not a permanent solution, but it would allow more time to search for ways to manage the district’s financial problems with less impact on students.

Recently, district custodians voted and approved a measure to switch from an eight-hour to a seven-hour workday, taking an across-the-board pay cut to save the district money without losing jobs. The custodians voted nearly unanimously for the change.

Parents are questioning why district administrators can’t take a similar pay cut rather than drastically reduce elementary physical education, band and orchestra. Parents are also proceeding with a petition drive to collect 5,000 signatures and trigger a state audit of the district. As of last week they have collected an estimated 1,500 signatures.                  -Elaine Steinborn









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