Parents Launch Petition Effort To Audit Budget Cuts in Hazelwood

District Contends Cutbacks Necessary

Hazelwood School District (HSD) parents and residents are circulating a petition to ask for an audit of the district by state officials in light of the budget cuts proposed by HSD. The state auditor’s office requires 5,000 signatures before a state audit would be approved. In addition, parents have formed a committee to identify alternative ways to save the district money.

In February the administration announced plans to reduce the budget in light of the shortfalls over the past 3 years. The district has been using its reserve fund to make up the differences in previous years, but the $12.7 million shortfall projected for 2016-17 prompted leaders to make cuts to elementary band and orchestra programs, elementary physical education classes and district-wide custodial staff. These proposals brought out large crowds at board meetings to protest the cuts.

The decline in funding has been attributed to falling property values, which diminished by about 22 percent over the past 8 years, as well as teacher and staff raises over several years. Board members say they are trying to make the best of the situation, but are becoming exasperated by the behavior of the parents and residents.

Residents in other school districts have successfully petitioned for state audits recently. Kimberly Gonzalez, who planned to distribute the petition to the crowd at the last school board meeting, noted that the state audits done for other districts were very productive. However, district officials have stated that a state audit would cost HSD between $80,000 and $120,000. They also noted that a firm hired by the district completed an audit in 2015. The state auditor’s office explained that when they conduct a performance audit of an entity that has already undergone a financial audit, the investigators review the independent audit to avoid duplication of efforts.

State Rep. Keith English, an independent from Florissant, has asked House and Senate budge committee leaders to withhold public funds from HSD until he receives a response to his request for line item expenditures for the proposed 2016-17 budget. “We as taxpayers are not getting information as to why they are not making cuts to administrative salaries,” he said.

English has also called for the dismissal of interim superintendent Ingrid Clark-Jackson. Board President Desiree Whitlock called the request off base and not substantiated by facts. Clark-Jackson had been scheduled to retire but agreed to remain with HSD after the departure of previous superintendent Grayling Tobias.

The committee of parents seeking alternative ways to save money is asking for a one-on- one meeting where they can perform a line by line budget review. They are concerned that the proposed cuts will hurt their children’s educational experience and limit their growth in life skills.                                     -Elaine Steinborn


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