Rams Want to Lose Their St. Louis Identity By Cutting Long-time Players

**Randy Gardner photo**By Randy Gardner

Now that you step back and take a look at the news of the St. Louis Rams leaving St. Louis, has it changed your life really in anyway? I think most people thought the world was going to come to an end but life goes on as it did before.

I was really surprised, though, to hear that the Rams cut James Laurinaitis and Chris Long. I know it was basically a money-saving issue when you look at the situation as a whole.

I think it was maybe cutting some of the ties of long-time St. Louis Rams players to create a new atmosphere in the Los Angeles community.

From a franchise perspective, I think it was probably a smart move so that they can build their fan base with the players that don’t have St. Louis tied to them. On the negative side of things, if there were any St. Louis fans that were going to continue to be Rams fans this makes it really difficult. Having those players that we knew and loved still be part of the team made us want to maybe still cheer for them. Too bad Todd Gurley wasn’t with the Rams longer, even though he made a big impact in his first year with the Rams, I don’t think the fans had enough time to really get to know him as a player and as an individual and the community.

Fans Here Wanted Soccer, in City or County

As I mentioned last time, the good news is that this opens the door for a professional soccer franchise in St. Louis. You all know that I am very excited about this news and I think that the team would do well in this environment here in St. Louis. I have talked to many people about this over the past week and whether the stadium should be in downtown St. Louis or in the county and most people don’t really even care.

They just want soccer here in St. Louis. Another interesting aspect will be what will the team will be called. In no way shape or form do I think it should have anything to do with the former Steamers or Ambush team; it needs to be something totally separate to create its own identity.

This has been the first year that I have covered high school sports as a whole for many years. Over the weekend I covered a high school hockey playoff game and it was amazing to me how brutal the parents were in talking to the opposing teams and to the referees.

I know I talk about this all the time but didn’t realize that it seems to be even worse at the high school level than at the kindergarten through eighth grade level. Now I know why a lot of these kids have anger issues on and off of the field. If they’re hearing these kinds of statements during a game I can only imagine what’s going on behind the scenes at home in terms of how to play the game.

With the seesaw weather it is hard to get into a groove of exercising. If you have two days of nice weather and you see a ton of people walking and running, then having two weeks of bad weather will cause you to lose everything that you achieved in those two days. As the nice weather approaches regularly make sure to get your workout program side and stick with it. You will be amazed at the results in just a short bit of time. Make this year your year to get in shape

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