Planning to Push The Envelope a Bit in 2016


Tom Amsel. pg 2jpgBy Tom Anselm

So it is Happy New Year to you. I trust you are still keeping your resolutions made so earnestly as you nursed yourself back to life on Jan.1. You may recall that last year for 2015 I resolved not to make any resolutions, and was completely successful in keeping that promise. However, I realized that that was the wimpy way out of self-improvement, which is after all, the reason for making resolutions in the first place.

But in spite of the fact that most things in life are beyond our control, there are some areas where we can “exercise” our own actions. Therefore, in the Year of Our Lord 2016, in no particular order, and with full realization that I probably won’t have the success rate of last year, herewith are my resolutions.

  • Diet is everybody’s go-to plan as the new year approaches. Blessed as I have been with a pretty good metabolism, I’m not all that into weight loss. But I would like to have a six-pack, or at least a four-pack, and not a Tupac, since he’s dead (or is he?)

So it will take a bit of weaning off the sweets and salted snacks. I must pass the fridge to get to the pantry, so I am going to employ the “ABC” nutrition plan. That is, “Apples Before Cheetos. You can’t imagine how much I love Cheetos, so this will be a true test of resolve. Hopefully the gut will benefit, and no doubt the blood pressure. Then it’s isometrics time for the old tum-tum.

Oh, and although I am not interested in conceal and carry, I hope to work on the ‘guns’ as well. Fish will also play a part in this endeavor. Believe it or not, I’m a fan of sardines and tuna, so that won’t be too hard to pull off. (In a day gone by, I once chased The Lovely Jill around the house with a sardine. She still loves me, in spite of that.) And I will force myself not to listen to that dang Snickers calling my name at the Walgreens check-out line.

  • A lot of us, especially as the years begin to roll up, say that we want to become more in sync with our spiritual selves. You know, read more meaningful material, watch less television, pray more frequently and with more focus. I talk a good game on the prayer front, but the follow-through is lacking. In fact, sometimes when I pray, I just say to God “what she said,” referencing the effort of my wife, who is a prayer warrior of the highest caliber. Of course, that is lame, and He knows it. Hence, a greater effort will be forthcoming to The Great Listener in the Sky. And to pray in the form of volunteering for my parish. I’m retired, remember? So got some time.
  • I used to do tai chi, back when I was having some troubles with the daily grind. It was easy to do, didn’t take long, and really helped in the relaxation department. Plus, I hear it’s a good thing for those who are getting longer in the tooth, aiding breathing (of which I am quite fond), muscle tone, balance and production of endorphins, them good old feel-good hormones. I recommend a program called “4-Minute Fitness” by a Dr. Keith Jeffreys (, if you are so inclined to try it out). He keeps it simple, and brings the whole being into play
  • Simplification is another goal. I have a set of golf clubs that will last me a lifetime. I need no more clubs. In my closet there are enough clothes to last me two lifetimes, plus way too many coats and jackets. And if I come home with another hat, Jill will scream. So one could say I am set in these categories. Levi 501s and a comfy pair of Asics now and then may be my only purchases, because really, aren’t jeans and sneakers among the best inventions in the history of mankind?
  • A few things I’d like to get into may come as a bit of a surprise. I would like to record some songs I have written. And I would like to do some acting. Now, here is where you are allowed to say, “this dude be Ka-zee!” But a few years ago, I joined our church choir, started playing guitar more resolutely, and signed up with a talent agent who has gotten me in a few commercials. Last year, I did 3 seconds on a Schnucks holiday gig, and this year, you may have seen my mug on a BJC spot. I have learned so much and met so many cool people from this, and I figure, heck, the older I get the less I have to lose, so why not give it a try?

So there you have it. My new challenges. Last year I took the easy way out. Maybe this old dog can pick up a few new tricks in 2016.




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