Ferguson-Florissant Test Scores Increase from Last Year’s Marks

   Results from the 2015 Missouri Annual Performance Report (APR) for the Ferguson-Florissant School District show an increase in the District’s overall score. Ferguson-Florissant received 97.5 points out of a possible 140 points on the state’s annual assessment, or 69.6%. This represents a 3.9% increase from last year-s score of 65.7%.

Ferguson-Florissant remains fully accredited.

Among the five standards measured in the Annual Performance Report (APR), Ferguson-Florissant saw a 20% increase in College & Career Readiness, a slight decline in Subgroup Achievement, and flat scores for Academic Achievement, Attendance, and Graduation Rate.

“We are not satisfied with these results, and we have taken action to increase our performance,” said Ferguson-Florissant’s new Superintendent Dr. Joseph Davis.  “Our community experienced unprecedented turmoil over the last school year, and we understand that it is difficult for students to perform well in school in the midst of such distress.  Education will empower students to move forward from these difficulties, and we are committed to providing a world class education in the Ferguson-Florissant District.  Since my start as Superintendent July 1, we have begun evaluating all facets of the work we do for students.  Using the strategic plan created by our stakeholders we are focusing our efforts on those practices that are proven to provide the greatest results for students.”

Working closely with the Board of Education and Dr. Davis, the District leadership team is implementing a framework for powerful results. This framework is designed to narrow the focus of district efforts to those practices proven to yield the greatest results for students

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