Florissant Hears New Plans For Parker Rd. Senior Living Center

MALONEY MANOR (above) never was completed. Now a new plan is before the Florissant City Council to build Garden Plaza of Florissant. It would have 120 skilled nursing beds, 95 assisted living units, and 145 apartments on the 19.5 acre site off Parker Road. The existing buildings would remain and be pat of the new development.

The Florissant City Council held a public hearing on a proposal for a new senior living center at 2300-2302 Parker Road. The site of the proposed center is on the south side of Parker, between Spring Valley Drive and Paddock Drive. The site was most recently a church. The church building was recently torn down.

Developers have been looking at the site for a senior living center for several years. A previous developer put up a few villas, and was going to develop more and call the development Maloney Manor. That developer pulled out of the project after the existing villas were built.

David Weise, with Florissant Real Estate Investors, spoke to the council about the proposed project. The proposed development would be called Garden Plaza of Florissant and have 120 skilled nursing beds, 95 assisted living units, and 145 apartments on the 19.5 acre site.

The new development would keep the existing duplexes, and fit in more. The independent living apartment building would be three stories tall.

“This looks very beautiful,” said Councilman Mark Schmidt. “Thanks for sticking with it.”

The developers closed on the property two years ago, Weise said, but there was a hold up when the Missouri Health Facilities Review Committee, which regulates the amount of nursing facilities in the state, denied an application for the facility. Since the initial rejection, some other facilities closed, so the developer tried again. This time, the committee granted permission for the skilled nursing and assisted living portions of the development.

Weise said that a traffic study showed that no traffic lights were needed for the facility. He said the facility would schedule employees so that their shift changes did not coincide with school openings and dismissals in the area, since the property is very close to Parker Road School and the Academy at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne.

Weiss said that he anticipates that approximately one third of the developments residents will own cars. He said this was based on the average number of drivers at similar facilities.

One nearby resident spoke at the public hearing. He said he thought that the buildings would not fit into the residential area.

The council did not have a bill on the agenda about the development. Usually, the bill is read at the meeting with the public hearing or the next meeting.

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